In our fast paced world, there seems to be a persistent need to re-invent ourselves and our work on a daily basis. No matter how rocky or difficult the challenges you might be facing, keep in mind that some of the greatest people who’ve lived have overcome incredible obstacles and hardships on their paths to success. [Read more…]
Ordinary People Experience Extraordinary Success
Experience Life at New Heights
Several years ago a friend of mine suggested we take a trip to Sedona, AZ to relax, rejuvenate, and re-connect with nature. The plan was to hike everyday in the beautiful red rocks for a couple hours and afterwards we could read, shop, relax, or tour the area. My answer was “sure, let’s go, I’m up for the adventure.”
Keep in mind; I’m not much of an outdoorsy kind of girl so the hiking was going to be a huge stretch for me. The reading, shopping, relaxing would be lots of fun (and I know I excel at it). My friend assured me we would take it slow and I would easily be able to keep up with her (she’s an expert level athlete) – especially if we trained ahead of time. I agreed to the pre-trip training – figuring it was a great way to get in shape and prepare for the hike.
Let me tell you, I was not prepared for what happened on this trip. The hiking was not your ordinary trail kind of stuff. The nice easy trails that I pictured in my mind six weeks prior to the trip, turned out to be more like climbing and scaling rocks!! From day one, I really stretched my comfort zone and noticed as day three rolled around . . . I was more confident in my ability to “hike.”
My friend sensed my new inner confidence and decided we could explore a sacred spot on day four. What started out as a two-hour hike, ended up being a seven-hour life-changing event. It turns out this sacred spot was tucked inside a steep multi-faced rock formation, 500 feet above an uncharted trail. (“Uncharted trail” – now, there’s a clue.) Yet, I trusted my friend . . . she said she had climbed to the spot several times over the years and she felt I could do it.
The temperature was quickly approaching the mid-90s as we walked the 2-mile uneven terrain before beginning our 500-foot steep assent to the sacred spot.
I’ll cut to the chase, about 450 feet up the mountain (approximate height of a 40 story building) I became “paralyzed.” I couldn’t move another step forward or backward while the high-noon sun beat intensively on us. (Did I mention that I’m afraid of heights – my toes even curl on a 1-story escalator ride, plus we were almost out of water.) For the first time in my life, I wondered if I would ever stand on solid ground again. The overwhelm was unimaginable! There was nowhere to go! I stood frozen – suspended in time and had a complete meltdown (panic, crying, all that kinda stuff) on the edge of a ledge.
My friend watched, provided lots of support and encouragement . . . yet, there was nothing she could do for me. The next step was up to me. She was going to the top and I could wait for her on edge of the ledge.
What happened next literally saved my life and helped me experience life at new heights. I heard a small voice whisper “breathe.” (Hmmm . . . what a novel idea, why didn’t I think of that?) I instantly began to apply the conscious breathing technique that I’ve used many times – especially when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It’s really simple. Take a DEEP breath in. Hold it for a count of three and exhale slowly. Practice with me . . . INHALE … 1 – 2 -3 …. and then EXHALE. I noticed my shoulders dropped and I began to feel the overwhelm and panic ease-up.
I repeated the conscious breathing about five times. This simple exercise allowed me to re-connect with my breath. The more connected I was to my breath, the calmer I became. There was also a mantra (an often repeated expression) I recited over and over again in my mind . . . “I’ve come this far … I CAN do it, … I CAN Do it. … I CAN DO IT!! Yes, I can do it!”
In case you’re wondering . . . I did make it to the enclosed sacred spot where the temperature was at least 30 degrees cooler and I was able to rest my wobbly legs and shaky spirit for about 45 minutes. The descent down the mountain was without incident – in fact, easier than I expected. The final challenge: a 2-mile hike to the car without becoming dehydrated.
We made it back safely. And, yes – believe it or not – I still talk to my friend and our friendship has grown. As a matter of fact, she called the other day and asked, “Do you want to go to Sedona again?” In my mind, the real question is, “how much do I want to stretch and experience life at new heights?”
The top 3 lessons learned from this adventure can be applied to the everyday . . .
1. Breathe to maximally experience life!
2. Stretch – expand the comfort zone and in turn grow more confident.
3. Choose to experience the sacred power within that’s capable of so much more than can be imagined.
In the words of Thomas Edison: “If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
If you’re looking to experience life at new heights and liberate overwhelm – pick up a *F*R*E*E copy of my Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit.
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals who are ready to “leap” and live a more vibrant on-purpose life. MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into their inner wisdom to create their heart’s desire. If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:
Overcome Overwhelm
Have you noticed that your work commitments have increased, your income decreased (it’s being stretched beyond belief) and you can’t even remember the last time you were able to relax? In our fast paced society, we’re constantly bombarded with information and requests. Hurry up . . . read this . . . do that . . . come over here . . . remember, finish this first, etc. . . . “excess” information has a way of taking on a life of its own.
Before you know it – overwhelm has taken-up residency in your already full life. Face it, overwhelm puts us into over-capacity mode and is a real energy zapper! The sensory overload in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies can quickly stop us in our tracks. The most debilitating part of overwhelm is constriction of creative juice and internal drive. In other words, what we most need is “grace and ease” yet it’s struggle, procrastination, and frustration that camp out on our doorstep.
Isn’t it time to stop spinning your wheels — hit the reset button — and allow yourself to experience an easier way of living? How about taking a few minutes each day just for you? The good news is: breaking free of overwhelm is possible. Easy solutions that you can immediately apply to your life are readily available.
Simply go to to pick up your free Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit. The toolkit contains easy steps and helpful tips that help you breathe easier, feel more relaxed and BE in charge of your life. Often what contributes most to overwhelm is the clutter we ALLOW to exist in our lives. Be sure to check out the quick assessment in the Toolkit that identifies clutter spots (it’s not just the physical stuff). By simply becoming more aware of what “clutters” exist, you can take steps to remove it and clear out the feeling of overwhelm at the same time! That’s a two for one. The Toolkit also identifies 15 Easy Ways to Shift Your Energy and Ease Overwhelm.
What are you waiting for? Receive your F*R*E*E* Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at today! Now, you’re much closer to thriving instead of merely surviving.
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals who are ready to “leap” and live a more vibrant on-purpose life. MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into their inner wisdom to create their heart’s desire. If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at: