On the Shoulders of Giants!

If you’re serious about growing your business and thinking about selecting a business coach who’s more of a mentor – check out the following tips from my friend, colleague, and today’s guest blogger Chris Makell.    Chris is an authentic leader, a “walk the talk” mentor and someone who’s extraordinary at coaching individuals who are ready to “Think Big . . . Play Bigger!” (She knows what she’s talking about.  Thanks to Chris’ coaching and mentoring,  I was able to tune-up my coaching program and approach, to successfully attract high-level clients within days of our coaching session.) It’s an absolute honor to share Chris Makell’s wisdom with you.

“For the past 5 years, I’ve invested in classroom training, personal coaching and home study programs to grow my skills and expertise as a coach. I’ve also worked with personal coaches to guide me in pursuing excellence as a coach and to develop the “business owner” skills rarely taught in coaching schools. I can count the number of coaches I’ve worked with on one hand and I’m proud to say that each time I’ve “grown up” just a little bit more.

Each coach brought me to a new level of learning about my talents and abilities to focus my coaching business and myself. All were pretty solid in their own talents and abilities – or I wouldn’t have worked with them. Well, except for one – there’s always one. And by the way, that one was absolutely necessary. They teach you what to look out for in the future. So it was a good learning experience, even though it wasn’t as joyful…

And now, I’m looking at my other hand, counting my new coach, who is more of a mentor. This was a very thoughtful decision, on both our parts, made primarily based on following this mentor/coach for about a year before attending one of his workshops. There I got to see and experience him “up close and personal”. And I have to say this is different – for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I am now “grown up” enough to better select “the giant on whose shoulders I want to stand!”

Based on this experience, I want to share a few tips with you, so that you can save time and money when searching for and selecting the mentor/coach who can help you grow and create a more successful life and/or business!

Tip #1 – Follow them around

Now, I don’t mean stalk them that could get you some legal coaching. What I mean is, subscribe to their newsletter, if they have one – and if they don’t you may want to question how they stay in touch with you, so that you can learn more from them. You want to have or hear a consistent “ping” from a coach or mentor so that you can assess their style, where they stand and how they think. Then you can decide if they can deliver what you need. Also, if they offer free teleseminars or teleclasses, join in and listen, then you’ll hear them in action and decide if you like what you hear.

Tip #2 – Try them out and see how they fit

You know those really comfortable shoes you just love to wear when you’re in for a long day? You just know you’re going to wear these shoes when you are traveling, racing through the airport, or in that all day meeting that leads to dinner, etc. Well, you should try out the coach/mentor’s products, workshops, and offerings to see if they’re comfortable for the long journey you’re on, in building your business. I have purchased home study programs and referred back to them years later for tips – that’s comfort.  You want to know if they can help you increase your business by going deeper and investing in an entry level program or product, that gives you a better experience than just the free “goodies”.

Tip #3 – Does it feels right, for where you want to go?

Investing in yourself by working with a mentor/coach is serious business and you want to feel it’s right for you. So use tips 1 & 2 to help you get a good feel for this person.

Ask yourself:

–       Are they consistent?

–       Do they say things that make sense to you?

–       Are they clear and give you action you can ACTUALLY take?

–       And most important, are they where you WANT to go?

You see that last question is probably the biggest question you have to answer for yourself and your business. Are THEY where you want to go? Because you want someone to pull you forward to the lifestyle and business you want to lead. Otherwise, you’ll likely move forward, but at a much slower pace and with a little more pain.

Once you’ve decided where you want to go in your life or business, why not take advantage of those who have gone before you. Why not, stand on the shoulders of giants and get yourself there faster?”


As the business mentor/coach to the service professional who is ready to thrive and experience abundance, Chris Makell is particularly skilled at showing her clients a different way to ”Think Big…Play Bigger™” so that they create profitable 6 & 7-figure businesses.

Claim your free special report “5 Critical Steps to Get High Paying Clients, Today” at http://ChrisMakell.com/specialreport/

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

Time Out to Map Out

A super short post today so I can slow down to speed-up!

Have you noticed life has a way of taking on a life of it’s own when you’re “crazy” busy.  One way to experience life fully is to slow down to speed-up.  Slowing down to speed up may sound counter-intuitive.  Yet, it works!  It’s like having your own “magic” button that stops time in order for you to catch-up, re-organize and re-gain focus on what’s important. The inspired action steps seem to fall into place once you slow down.

Allow your creative genius to flow (YES, you have it) and assist you in identifying priorities to create an action plan.  Get out paper, colored pens and highlighters to create a list or a mind map. If you prefer to use mind-mapping software there are options: Freemind (it’s easy to use and comes with a tutorial) and SimpleMind, a free iPad app.

It’s important to get everything out of your mind, off tiny scraps of paper and onto one sheet.   Once you’ve created your list of “projects,” outline the steps and identify items that need to be addressed immediately (add completion dates & use color codes to prioritize).

You’re almost there. Here’s an essential practice: tune into what you want the outcome to look and feel like.  In your mind’s eye play out the scene and picture everything being completed with ease. (That’s how you want it, right?) Move forward confidently knowing you’ve got a plan that will take you to the finish line!

Speak Your Mind . . . I’d love to hear the practices you use to slow-down to speed-up.

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

10 Things Authentic Leaders Do

Each of us is a leader in our own unique way.  It can be in our family, community, organization, nation, or in worldwide innovation.  I believe we’re destined for more than we can imagine.  “There is a space for you in the world with your name on it . . . and your part is the lead part.  No matter who you are, it’s the lead.  Because only you can play it, and without you it doesn’t happen.” ~ Flo Aeveia Magdalena, author of I Remember Union [Read more…]

Create Videos that Transform Lives

It’s amazing how far we’ve come with video technology.  In the recent past you needed expensive equipment, editing software, and technical expertise to produce a professional looking video.  That’s all changed.  There’s a simple and easy way to create your own professional looking videos for your coaching, consulting, and healing practice – especially if you learn from great teachers.  I highly recommend Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins.  Bob hosts awesome training events with incredible faculty that provide rich content, easy to use tools & techniques, and most importantly – coach and encourage you to apply the knowledge immediately.  Did I mention . . . you meet fabulous like-minded, energetic and vibrant people who cheer you on and are delighted to celebrate your successes!

If you get excited about transforming people’s lives, then get your message out to the world through video. Video is the way to go – it’s easy to integrate into your blog and a brilliant approach to quickly grow your coaching, consulting, and healing practice.

You may remember guest blogger Kristen Eckstein, The Ultimate Book Coach, from Build Your Blog and Finish Your Book post a few days ago.  Kristen created this really cool video (What Should Go On the Back Cover of Your Book) at Bob the Teacher’s SIMPLE Video Velocity event.  As a matter-of-fact, at the video training we all (yes, even us “newbies”) created and submitted videos for a Video Idol contest. Check out and see why Kristen has the unique distinction of being voted #1 in the first ever Video Idol!!

If you would like to  . . .

Enhance your message and content

Learn how to reach millions with your own TV show (for free)

Create videos that sizzle

And, so much more . . .

Then make it a priority to attend the next SIMPLE training.  I plan to be there and would love to hang out with you, too!

Imagine the impact of transforming more lives . . . through your video creations.  The possibilities are endless!!! Now that’s something I get excited about!!


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at: LeapWithoutLimits.com