On the Shoulders of Giants!

If you’re serious about growing your business and thinking about selecting a business coach who’s more of a mentor – check out the following tips from my friend, colleague, and today’s guest blogger Chris Makell.    Chris is an authentic leader, a “walk the talk” mentor and someone who’s extraordinary at coaching individuals who are ready to “Think Big . . . Play Bigger!” (She knows what she’s talking about.  Thanks to Chris’ coaching and mentoring,  I was able to tune-up my coaching program and approach, to successfully attract high-level clients within days of our coaching session.) It’s an absolute honor to share Chris Makell’s wisdom with you.

“For the past 5 years, I’ve invested in classroom training, personal coaching and home study programs to grow my skills and expertise as a coach. I’ve also worked with personal coaches to guide me in pursuing excellence as a coach and to develop the “business owner” skills rarely taught in coaching schools. I can count the number of coaches I’ve worked with on one hand and I’m proud to say that each time I’ve “grown up” just a little bit more.

Each coach brought me to a new level of learning about my talents and abilities to focus my coaching business and myself. All were pretty solid in their own talents and abilities – or I wouldn’t have worked with them. Well, except for one – there’s always one. And by the way, that one was absolutely necessary. They teach you what to look out for in the future. So it was a good learning experience, even though it wasn’t as joyful…

And now, I’m looking at my other hand, counting my new coach, who is more of a mentor. This was a very thoughtful decision, on both our parts, made primarily based on following this mentor/coach for about a year before attending one of his workshops. There I got to see and experience him “up close and personal”. And I have to say this is different – for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I am now “grown up” enough to better select “the giant on whose shoulders I want to stand!”

Based on this experience, I want to share a few tips with you, so that you can save time and money when searching for and selecting the mentor/coach who can help you grow and create a more successful life and/or business!

Tip #1 – Follow them around

Now, I don’t mean stalk them that could get you some legal coaching. What I mean is, subscribe to their newsletter, if they have one – and if they don’t you may want to question how they stay in touch with you, so that you can learn more from them. You want to have or hear a consistent “ping” from a coach or mentor so that you can assess their style, where they stand and how they think. Then you can decide if they can deliver what you need. Also, if they offer free teleseminars or teleclasses, join in and listen, then you’ll hear them in action and decide if you like what you hear.

Tip #2 – Try them out and see how they fit

You know those really comfortable shoes you just love to wear when you’re in for a long day? You just know you’re going to wear these shoes when you are traveling, racing through the airport, or in that all day meeting that leads to dinner, etc. Well, you should try out the coach/mentor’s products, workshops, and offerings to see if they’re comfortable for the long journey you’re on, in building your business. I have purchased home study programs and referred back to them years later for tips – that’s comfort.  You want to know if they can help you increase your business by going deeper and investing in an entry level program or product, that gives you a better experience than just the free “goodies”.

Tip #3 – Does it feels right, for where you want to go?

Investing in yourself by working with a mentor/coach is serious business and you want to feel it’s right for you. So use tips 1 & 2 to help you get a good feel for this person.

Ask yourself:

–       Are they consistent?

–       Do they say things that make sense to you?

–       Are they clear and give you action you can ACTUALLY take?

–       And most important, are they where you WANT to go?

You see that last question is probably the biggest question you have to answer for yourself and your business. Are THEY where you want to go? Because you want someone to pull you forward to the lifestyle and business you want to lead. Otherwise, you’ll likely move forward, but at a much slower pace and with a little more pain.

Once you’ve decided where you want to go in your life or business, why not take advantage of those who have gone before you. Why not, stand on the shoulders of giants and get yourself there faster?”


As the business mentor/coach to the service professional who is ready to thrive and experience abundance, Chris Makell is particularly skilled at showing her clients a different way to ”Think Big…Play Bigger™” so that they create profitable 6 & 7-figure businesses.

Claim your free special report “5 Critical Steps to Get High Paying Clients, Today” at http://ChrisMakell.com/specialreport/

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

Time Out to Map Out

A super short post today so I can slow down to speed-up!

Have you noticed life has a way of taking on a life of it’s own when you’re “crazy” busy.  One way to experience life fully is to slow down to speed-up.  Slowing down to speed up may sound counter-intuitive.  Yet, it works!  It’s like having your own “magic” button that stops time in order for you to catch-up, re-organize and re-gain focus on what’s important. The inspired action steps seem to fall into place once you slow down.

Allow your creative genius to flow (YES, you have it) and assist you in identifying priorities to create an action plan.  Get out paper, colored pens and highlighters to create a list or a mind map. If you prefer to use mind-mapping software there are options: Freemind (it’s easy to use and comes with a tutorial) and SimpleMind, a free iPad app.

It’s important to get everything out of your mind, off tiny scraps of paper and onto one sheet.   Once you’ve created your list of “projects,” outline the steps and identify items that need to be addressed immediately (add completion dates & use color codes to prioritize).

You’re almost there. Here’s an essential practice: tune into what you want the outcome to look and feel like.  In your mind’s eye play out the scene and picture everything being completed with ease. (That’s how you want it, right?) Move forward confidently knowing you’ve got a plan that will take you to the finish line!

Speak Your Mind . . . I’d love to hear the practices you use to slow-down to speed-up.

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

Insiders Secrets to Great Leadership

There’s a major shift or change, taking place in the world and it’s no longer “business as usual.” In the ever-changing business landscape, transformational leaders have become the way-showers.  Transformational leaders operate from a win/win mindset focused on contribution versus a competitive mindset focused on survival.

What I discovered, while interviewing six heart-based leaders for the Insiders Secrets to Great Leadership series is – all six transformational leaders identified must have leadership skills for the 21st century.

The Common Threads are . . .

  1. Great leadership is built on common trust – which is built by trusting oneself, others and honoring commitments.
  2. Honest and open communication is key.  It creates heartfelt connections and ultimately motivates people to respond to leaders positively.
  3. Strong leaders are open to new possibilities.  They’re out of the box thinkers, willing to be creative with others and step into new paradigms.
  4. Leaders have a huge potential to influence others, both positively and negatively. They must understand and assume this responsibility and develop emotional intelligence.
  5. Today’s leaders must be aware or conscious of their own values and passions before they can expect to lead others.  They must become a leader in their own life first – be able to follow their personal vision.
  6. If you expect to become a successful leader in business, assume leadership opportunities outside business to hone your skills.
  7. Staying light, happy, fun-loving, and humorous are important in helping leaders stay grounded, stay in the present moment, and connect with their co-workers.  Humor in a situation is a validation that people are on the same wavelength – they’re at ease with each other.
  8. Leadership is a creative process, not a destination.
  9. Leaders must find their own heart and voice to create their personal leadership style.
  10. Everyone has an intuitive, creative talent — and leaders of today, need to learn how to unleash that capacity to feel, trust, and listen as well as think. When leaders operate in the present (being centered, grounded, in the zone) with emotional intelligence, this leads to more collaboration versus marching to a pyramid organizational structure.

[gplus count=”true” href=”http://www.leapwithoutlimits.com/insiders-secrets-to-great-leadership” size=”Medium” redirect=”http://leapwithoutlimits.com/obrien” ]Receive one F*R*E*E mp3 interview – from the Insiders Secrets To Great Leadership series – by clicking the “+1” on the left.  You’ll immediately be taken to the download page.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

10 Things Authentic Leaders Do

Each of us is a leader in our own unique way.  It can be in our family, community, organization, nation, or in worldwide innovation.  I believe we’re destined for more than we can imagine.  “There is a space for you in the world with your name on it . . . and your part is the lead part.  No matter who you are, it’s the lead.  Because only you can play it, and without you it doesn’t happen.” ~ Flo Aeveia Magdalena, author of I Remember Union [Read more…]

Create Videos that Transform Lives

It’s amazing how far we’ve come with video technology.  In the recent past you needed expensive equipment, editing software, and technical expertise to produce a professional looking video.  That’s all changed.  There’s a simple and easy way to create your own professional looking videos for your coaching, consulting, and healing practice – especially if you learn from great teachers.  I highly recommend Bob “the Teacher” Jenkins.  Bob hosts awesome training events with incredible faculty that provide rich content, easy to use tools & techniques, and most importantly – coach and encourage you to apply the knowledge immediately.  Did I mention . . . you meet fabulous like-minded, energetic and vibrant people who cheer you on and are delighted to celebrate your successes!

If you get excited about transforming people’s lives, then get your message out to the world through video. Video is the way to go – it’s easy to integrate into your blog and a brilliant approach to quickly grow your coaching, consulting, and healing practice.

You may remember guest blogger Kristen Eckstein, The Ultimate Book Coach, from Build Your Blog and Finish Your Book post a few days ago.  Kristen created this really cool video (What Should Go On the Back Cover of Your Book) at Bob the Teacher’s SIMPLE Video Velocity event.  As a matter-of-fact, at the video training we all (yes, even us “newbies”) created and submitted videos for a Video Idol contest. Check out and see why Kristen has the unique distinction of being voted #1 in the first ever Video Idol!!

If you would like to  . . .

Enhance your message and content

Learn how to reach millions with your own TV show (for free)

Create videos that sizzle

And, so much more . . .

Then make it a priority to attend the next SIMPLE training.  I plan to be there and would love to hang out with you, too!

Imagine the impact of transforming more lives . . . through your video creations.  The possibilities are endless!!! Now that’s something I get excited about!!


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at: LeapWithoutLimits.com

Playing the Entrepreneur

As someone who has spent over 30 success-filled years in corporate America, my first year as an entrepreneur has been full of surprises.

Farmington Bike Trail

One thing I ALWAYS did in corporate was to take all 6 weeks of vacation time to rejuvenate and have fun.  Now, as an entrepreneur, I find myself working from mid-morning well into most evenings and hardly have time for a bathroom break.

Since I’m a take-charge and create your reality kind of person, I decided to deliberately design and create more “playtime” into my life.   This means there’s much needed (and desired) spontaneous time-off built into the schedule.  As the “boss,” I’m in charge of what I would like to create and experience.  As far as life balance is concerned – I’d prefer to see the scales tip towards having it all and enjoying life fully.

On the Bike Trail

In celebration of freedom and adventure, I’ve posted recent pictures from my fun day biking, having lunch at Wood-n-Tap in Farmington (be sure to get there early, the patio tables overlooking Kettle Lake fill up quickly) and I even hit golf balls (first time ever) at a local driving range.

If you’re familiar with central CT you may recognize these spots. We have fabulous rails to trails bike paths in the state.  It was such a fun experience that I’ve added something new to my heart’s desire list . . . ride at least four new CT bike paths each year.

As a side note, during my “playtime” three ideas popped-in and they’ve already been implemented into the Leap Without Limits business.  Woo hoo, just love that!!

The Top 3 things I’ve learned this year as an entrepreneur . . .

Patio Seating at Wood-n-Tap

  1. New easy to implement ideas flow quickly when I’m relaxed.
  2. There’s an exponential increase of magic and miracles on the days that I “lighten-up” and have fun. In fact, the effect lasts for several days. ( It’s a great way to add grace and organically ease-up the workload.)
  3. It’s important to get outside the office, interact with others – all work and no play limits my spark-le factor.

I’d love to hear what you do to create magic and miracles in your life . . .


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

Build Your Blog and Finish Your Book


If you’ve always dreamed of writing a book and have been diligently writing blog posts, you’ll want to read what my friend and guest blogger Kristen Eckstein,  has to say in today’s post!  Kristen is . . .”The Ultimate Book Coach!”

If you have written steadily on a blog for a year or so, you probably have a ton of information that can be compiled into book format. Much like articles, blog posts can be placed into book form relatively easily. This method of compiled writing works for fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. Here are some steps to compile your blog post information:

Step 1


Start reading. You may not want to publish your very early blog posts, but who knows? You could have some great material from way back then.  Pull everything up and start reading.

Step 2


Copy/Paste. If you come across something that looks good, copy and paste it into a word processing program document. Remember to copy and paste the title there, too.

Step 3


Once you have copied and pasted everything you want in your book, check the length and begin organizing the content. If your book is a collection of poetry or short stories, you may not care about the order. If it is non-fiction, you may want to group it by topic.

Step 4


Hire a developmental editor. Unless your book is a collection of tips and strategies (like this book), you will want a developmental editor to help make the content fl ow. You originally wrote the book as individual blog posts that can stand alone. Now you need to link them all together. If you’re like me and want your book to be the best it can be, a developmental editor is a must even for this style of book. My personal recommendation for developmental editing is Erin Casey at www.erin-casey.com.

Blogging is a great way to build your author platform and create publicity; it also gets you in the habit of writing and helps you master your skills. If your goal is to write a book, blog with that purpose in mind. A clear focus from the beginning will cut down on the amount of editing required later. For a detailed step-by-step plan to write your book, check out FinishTheBook.com.

Bio: This guest post is an excerpt from 21 Ways to Write & Publish Your Non-Fiction Book by Kristen Eckstein. Kristen is the “Ultimate Book Coach” who will suck that book out of your head and get it into print. Learn more about how to write a book and get published at UltimateBookCoach.com


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  www.LeapWithoutLimits.com

The Number 5 Makes an Appearance

On day 5 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge it happened quickly and unexpectedly – writer’s block set in.  What a change; I wanted freedom from this challenge. On the previous 4 days, ideas flowed freely cascading from the mind, spilling into the heart, sparking inspiration and easily navigating through the fingertips to produce copy onto the computer screen.

Where did the brilliant ideas and writing enthusiasm disappear to?  Sure the blog challenge hosts provide plenty of fabulous suggestions, yet none of the ideas felt right today.  My analytical side kicked-in and wondered “what’s holding up the writing?”  Then it dawned on me – it was the 5th day of the month and the 5th day of the blog challenge.  Oh, there it is . . . the number “5” showing up several times.

I love numbers (must be from my financial days) and find numerology fascinating.  Numerology is the science of vibrations and a tool that can be used to gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and our world.  Numerology is as ancient as the recorded history of mankind.  Pythagoras is considered to be the father of Numerology and his work dates back 2,500 years.

In numerology, every number carries a vibrational energy or essence that represents certain qualities and attributes.  The number “5” represents “freedom” and “change.”  That’s what’s significant about today . . . the qualities of freedom and change have shown-up the day after the 4th of July.  Our Founding Fathers can rest assured that the energy of – freedom and change – set in motion almost 250 years, can still be felt today.

A favorite comprehensive numerology book:  Numerology – Spiritual Light Vibrations by Jeanne.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

What’s the Bright Idea? (part 2)

What’s the Bright Idea? (part 2)

In honor of celebrating Life, Liberty, and Creativity, this post is part 2 (of 2); a 2008 copyrighted extraction from the “What’s the Bright Idea?” chapter in MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s Doctoral dissertation entitled  “Beyond the American Dream . . . Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a Creatively Inspired Life.” Author’s note:  I’m really excited to get my Ph.D. work out on the web.  Enjoy!

Part 1 of What’s the Bright Idea? and now for part 2:  [Observe what is happening in the world today.  Many people would say these are times of crisis and great unrest.  “Fear, greed, and the desire for power are the psychological motivating forces not only behind warfare and violence between nations, tribes, religions, and ideologies, but also the cause of incessant conflict in personal relationships.  They [fear, greed, and the desire for power] bring about a distortion in your perception of other people and yourself.  Through them you misinterpret every situation, leading to misguided action designed to rid you of fear and satisfy your need for more, a bottomless hole that can never be filled.”  Tolle  (2005:12)

We’ve come to a juncture in history that places this nation as well as all other nations at a crossroad.  Can we exist within the current reality?  The majority of humanity exists in the unconscious or egoic state – meaning a complete identification with form – physical forms, thought forms, and emotional forms.

At this moment, a subtle revolution is taking place in the United States (and, in other places around the world).  The energy behind this revolution is similar to that of the 1770’s and the founding of this “great” nation.  As evolution would have it, masterful thinking is bubbling to the surface and we’re witnessing an unprecedented flow of consciousness in humanity.  This flow of consciousness sets the stage for creating a new world — something beyond what is currently being experienced and could even be named the “21st Century Renaissance”.  Each of us literally holds the key to creating our future reality.  It involves a small shift in the way we see ourselves in the worldThe time is now to open to the awareness that life holds unlimited possibilities.


What if the main purpose of life is the conscious pursuit of a creatively inspired life?  What if you could raise your consciousness to a level that gracefully and effortlessly allows you to go where you want to go, be what you want to be, and do what you want to do?  What do you feel when you hear this?  Does this idea frighten you or does it appeal to you?

Now that you are aware of the idea that life’s purpose is creation.  Think of the possibilities. Can you envision a life filled with freedom and happiness?  A new direction is being forged because of the appearance of limitations and restrictions in the existing structure.  It’s time to reveal what Creation is really about!  It’s time to explore the unlimited possibilities that can change life, as we know it.  If you’re interested in accessing the dimension beyond time and conditioned thinking, then you’re ready to step into the pocket of Creation.]

The top 3 things I’ve learned over the years and deliberately apply to the everyday . . .

  1. I hold the keys to creating my future reality.  It’s always about how I’m “being” and much less about what I’m “doing.” By paying attention to the energy within me and around me, I get instant clues to the “being” part all the time.
  2. The key to creating my future reality involves a small shift in the way I see myself in the world.
  3. When I feel “off” – that is, when someone or something is “pushing my button,” I check-in to see if I’m misinterpreting the individual or situation.  The more unattached I am to what’s going on (and this doesn’t mean I don’t care), the clearer I can be in my communication and decision-making.  This has proven to be very beneficial in conflict resolution and crisis situations.

How about you?  I’d love to hear how you pursue life, liberty and a creatively inspired life – in the “Speak Your Mind” comment section on this page.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

What’s the Bright Idea?

What’s the Bright Idea?

In honor of celebrating Life, Liberty, and Creativity, this post is part 1 (of 2); a 2008 copyrighted extraction from the “What’s the Bright Idea?” chapter in MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s Doctoral dissertation entitled,  Beyond the American Dream . . . Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a Creatively Inspired Life.Author’s note:  This is the first time I’m putting my Ph.D. work on the web.  Enjoy!



[Have you ever wondered what motivates people?  At first blush, you might say “other people – of course.”  I can assure you this is untrue.  I agree with Lou Tice, Founder of the Pacific Institute when he says, “The first thing you need to do is understand and accept that you can’t motivate someone else.  You see, people don’t motivate other people.   There is only one thing that can motivate someone, and that is an idea.  A book doesn’t motivate, but the ideas in it certainly can.  Money doesn’t motivate either.  It’s the idea of what you can do with the money that is a motivating force.”  Tice (2007)   A coach doesn’t motivate an athlete; it’s the belief in the idea that there’s something within—that motivates the athlete to stretch beyond limits and to strive for more.

Have you ever observed a child, friend, or colleague’s expression upon discovering a creative “new” idea?  The face brightens — the eyes sparkle, open wider and appear to gaze upwards towards heaven.  Wow . . . creation has revealed itself!  The energy field surrounding this moment is electrifying, dynamic, and palpable.  If you could look inside the mind, you would see creative energy at work.

Inside each human being there is an unseen, but very real link to the source of all ideas. This internal link is within every human being – young and old.  The link is easily accessible and readily available to provide information and creative ideas at light speed – faster than the highest speed Internet connection.  A direct connection literary taps into the source of all creation and knowledge – past, present and future.

Upon close examination of the origin of this idea, there’s a realization and excitation that something big is taking place.  This unseen process directly links the human mind with the Divine or Universal Mind to bring into existence – inspired, creative, innovative and imaginative ideas. These ideas have the power to create a nation, to create innovation, as well as provide practical solutions to improve the quality of everyday life.

The focus of this paper is to present ideas that motivate the reader to examine the possibility of living a creatively inspired life by design.  Put another way, to consciously create a life that fulfills your destiny and is light-years beyond “The American Dream.”  It’s as if the Universe has provided each of us with a gift.  The gift card says, “You have the ability to start over – to go back to the beginning of time and re-create a spectacular life for yourself by using original energy.  Begin dreaming and creating.”

If you’re ready to begin – step outside your current belief system for a brief moment.  Picture a world where individuals get excited about a life filled with adventure, exploration, and discovery instead of worrying about health care, child care, lack of time, lackluster careers, and paying the bills.  STOP!!  Stop for a moment.  All it takes is one good creative idea to surface into your conscious mind, and you are on your way to greatly improving your life and hopefully the lives of others. ]

Part 2 of “What’s the Bright Idea?” is now available.  Check out the “Top 3 Things I’ve Learned and Deliberately Apply to the Everyday” section at the end of part 2.