Gratitude – Let Me Count The Ways

I’ve got some gratitude record-keeping to attend to (smile) and my internal guidance is prompting me to share a few with you as well as a special invitation that you’ll learn more about at the end of the post. Over the past month, my daily gratitude practice has turned up the dial for extraordinary happenings and prosperity . . . At Home, At Play and At Work that seem to transmit to others!


At Home . . . with family and friends!

You may remember, last month I spoke about our daughter’s upcoming wedding.  What I learned (last year when our son got married and even more so this year is:) there’s so much more to the “special day” then 35 years ago when Jack and I got married.  Normally, my family will tell you this is true, I get a bit particular about hosting events and my perfection level seems to escalate exponentially to a point where I’m less fun to be around.

[Read more…]

Face-to-Face With F.E.A.R.

As an entrepreneur, I love travel especially when there’s an opportunity to mix business with pleasure. That’s why I’m really excited about attending Caterina Rando’s “Breakthrough Luxury Retreat” in California later this month.

I’m looking forward to meeting and mingling with other like-minded businesswomen who are also ready to experience a quantum leap, toward living their ideal personal and professional life.  What I’m not so sure about is – one of the planned activities, a Napa Valley hot air balloon ride.   Although I love the idea of gently and peacefully soaring over lush vineyards and world-famous wineries, the thought of being in a “small open basket” attached to a colorful balloon terrifies me.

Here’s the skinny, a truth only a few people know about me . . . [Read more…]

When Life Throws You A Curve Ball

Several family members boarded a morning train to catch a Saturday afternoon New York Yankees game. The conversation between cousins Stephanie, Meagan and Jennifer was filled with excitement and anticipation.  Sure they were super excited to watch their beloved Yankees play  – yet, it was bigger than that!  It was about the future – upcoming [Read more…]

Anonymous Extraordinaries

Soleira Green is a global visionary and co-founder of the Visionary Network.  She knows a thing or two about being extraordinary and was moved to write about the following inspirational video.

I’d like to share what Soleira Green has to say about Anonymous Extraordinaries . . .

“I watched another brilliant video yesterday, this one with Natalie Warne, a teenager talking about being young and making an impact.  In her talk, she uses the term ‘anonymous extraordinaries’ and it struck me as I heard it just how many amazing people I know all over the world who are exactly that! [Read more…]