No Matter What is Going On…

Never Give Up MTNSCP





A Beautiful Message from the Dalai Lama…

Never give up.

No matter what is going on…

Never give up.

Develop the heart.

Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart.

Be compassionate not just to your friends but to everyone.

Be compassionate.

Work for peace in your heart and in the world.

Work for peace and I say again…

Never give up.

No matter what is happening,

No matter what is going on around you,

Never give up.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio, MBA, PhD is a speaker, author, coach and creator of Flashcards for the Soul™. MaryAnn’s passion is working with individuals, groups and companies who are ready to “leap” and accelerate results by awakening the internal factors that transform ideas, vision, and projects into inspired action. 

We each have a unique callingJust like your DNA and fingerprint your life purpose is unique to you and it’s always evolving.  There’s a fun, easy and quick way to discover where you are on your path.  Take the Life Path Quiz today!


Fire Up Your Creativity

Have you ever wondered what fires up creativity and brings new ideas to life?  This short video looks at 3 energetic ways to skyrocket creativity.




What’s your favorite?  Remember to post a comment below to let me know what energetic way you’ve chosen to fire up your creativity.


Entrepreneurial Genius

Lead.Leap.Inspire dots wolSomething amazing happens when an entrepreneur’s mission, purpose, and service (their passion filled “work”) align.  The entrepreneur feels vibrantly alive and knows she’s here to play a much bigger role in her “service” business.

It’s easy to thrive in a passion-filled business when there is . . . [Read more…]

Corporate Innovative Leadership

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Yet, it’s the engaged employee and how she/he energetically shows-up that drives future success.  Research shows that engaged employees [Read more…]