The definition for inspiration is: Breathe into or upon; Motivation or encouragement; Divine influence; Sudden intuition or creative insight.

Inspirational Roses
It’s wonderful to receive blessings and inspiration. What happened several years ago in my corporate position still brings me inspiration! Joanne, a colleague of mine, was celebrating a birthday and her husband surprised her with 3-dozen gorgeous roses. Joanne came into my office and generously offered me (actually, she insisted I receive) nine roses. Talk about blessings and inspiration. I was taken with this big-hearted gesture and nudged by my intuition to take several pictures of the bouquet. What Joanne has yet to learn is that one of her birthday roses has became part of my 33 “Flashcards for the Soul™” card deck and paired with the word “Inspiration.” I can’t wait to tell Joanne that her gifted rose has brought Inspiration to hundreds of people. I’m eternally grateful that she shared her gorgeous birthday roses with me.
Beautiful flowers and gardens serve as visual stimuli that stir my heart and lift my spirit! I believe their varied colors, aromatic fragrances, and interesting shapes exist to inspire and reveal to us our own potential through their incredible beauty.
It’s been said that flowers contain the essence of creativity. What better way to take in creative energy and get inspired?
If you’re looking for inspiration to move you forward on a creative project or complex endeavor, then gently wrap your hands around a rose and breathe in its essence. It works every time!
Affirmation: “I use the amazing beauty in nature to stir and awaken my inspiration.”
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life. MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire. If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at: