A Touch of G-Force

How often do you tap into G-Force: Grace and Gratitude to fuel your life?  When you have this powerful pair pulling for you, you’re able to move forward with more ease… and experience life at new heights.

What I’ve discovered over the years is that Grace and Gratitude appear in concert. Whenever I take the time to observe, acknowledge, recognize and appreciate what “is” . . . the energy of Gratitude calls in Grace.

Have you ever had a time in your life when things came together easily and effortlessly?  It may have felt like the details were being taken care of behind the scenes. All you had to do was show up. That’s Grace at play!

The energy of Grace is available to each and every one of us at any given moment.  Grace is an assisting energy that steps in at the perfect time, with the perfect solution and just the right resources. It’s particularly helpful to call upon Grace when you’re in need of divine intervention.  The elegance of Grace allows us to be in touch with all that is . . . the abundance of life!

The powerful partnership of Grace and Gratitude has helped me to wake up and pay attention to the signs, symbols, and messages that lead to a richer, more fulfilling, and success-full life.  This partnership has in turn allowed me to help others see the meaning and purpose behind what appear to be random, everyday events that are, in fact, signposts that guide and direct us to experience life fully.  Let the G-Force be with you!!

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a vibrant, dynamic on-purpose life.  MaryAnn helps connect corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals with the powerful energy of G-Force: Grace and Gratitude, the rocket fuel for success! If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving, be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

An Energy Shift

It’s been one of those days!  Much to my surprise, it’s 6 pm and I’m still working on a blog post that I thought would be completed by 10 am.   I worked on 3 posts (each intended for today), and about halfway through each post, the inspiration dissipated, the energy went flat, and I got stuck.

Then a brilliant idea popped-in — keep it simple . . . shift your energy and your post is done!  That’s it!!

Before I move away from the keyboard and call it a day, I’ll leave you with 10 ways to quickly shift your energy.  Enjoy!!

  1. Listen to a favorite song or CD
  2. Cross one thing off your to do list (without doing it) and shout WooHoo!
  3. Go outside and take a walk
  4. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for
  5. Crisscross and wave your hands in front of your body (really works)
  6. Read an inspirational passage or poem
  7. Watch a funny video or your favorite comedy show
  8. Get silly – make funny faces in the mirror
  9. Put on some music and dance
  10. Play with your pet

How do you shift your energy when you’re feeling stuck?

MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

The Number 5 Makes an Appearance

On day 5 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge it happened quickly and unexpectedly – writer’s block set in.  What a change; I wanted freedom from this challenge. On the previous 4 days, ideas flowed freely cascading from the mind, spilling into the heart, sparking inspiration and easily navigating through the fingertips to produce copy onto the computer screen.

Where did the brilliant ideas and writing enthusiasm disappear to?  Sure the blog challenge hosts provide plenty of fabulous suggestions, yet none of the ideas felt right today.  My analytical side kicked-in and wondered “what’s holding up the writing?”  Then it dawned on me – it was the 5th day of the month and the 5th day of the blog challenge.  Oh, there it is . . . the number “5” showing up several times.

I love numbers (must be from my financial days) and find numerology fascinating.  Numerology is the science of vibrations and a tool that can be used to gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and our world.  Numerology is as ancient as the recorded history of mankind.  Pythagoras is considered to be the father of Numerology and his work dates back 2,500 years.

In numerology, every number carries a vibrational energy or essence that represents certain qualities and attributes.  The number “5” represents “freedom” and “change.”  That’s what’s significant about today . . . the qualities of freedom and change have shown-up the day after the 4th of July.  Our Founding Fathers can rest assured that the energy of – freedom and change – set in motion almost 250 years, can still be felt today.

A favorite comprehensive numerology book:  Numerology – Spiritual Light Vibrations by Jeanne.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com

What’s the Bright Idea? (part 2)

What’s the Bright Idea? (part 2)

In honor of celebrating Life, Liberty, and Creativity, this post is part 2 (of 2); a 2008 copyrighted extraction from the “What’s the Bright Idea?” chapter in MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s Doctoral dissertation entitled  “Beyond the American Dream . . . Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a Creatively Inspired Life.” Author’s note:  I’m really excited to get my Ph.D. work out on the web.  Enjoy!

Part 1 of What’s the Bright Idea? and now for part 2:  [Observe what is happening in the world today.  Many people would say these are times of crisis and great unrest.  “Fear, greed, and the desire for power are the psychological motivating forces not only behind warfare and violence between nations, tribes, religions, and ideologies, but also the cause of incessant conflict in personal relationships.  They [fear, greed, and the desire for power] bring about a distortion in your perception of other people and yourself.  Through them you misinterpret every situation, leading to misguided action designed to rid you of fear and satisfy your need for more, a bottomless hole that can never be filled.”  Tolle  (2005:12)

We’ve come to a juncture in history that places this nation as well as all other nations at a crossroad.  Can we exist within the current reality?  The majority of humanity exists in the unconscious or egoic state – meaning a complete identification with form – physical forms, thought forms, and emotional forms.

At this moment, a subtle revolution is taking place in the United States (and, in other places around the world).  The energy behind this revolution is similar to that of the 1770’s and the founding of this “great” nation.  As evolution would have it, masterful thinking is bubbling to the surface and we’re witnessing an unprecedented flow of consciousness in humanity.  This flow of consciousness sets the stage for creating a new world — something beyond what is currently being experienced and could even be named the “21st Century Renaissance”.  Each of us literally holds the key to creating our future reality.  It involves a small shift in the way we see ourselves in the worldThe time is now to open to the awareness that life holds unlimited possibilities.


What if the main purpose of life is the conscious pursuit of a creatively inspired life?  What if you could raise your consciousness to a level that gracefully and effortlessly allows you to go where you want to go, be what you want to be, and do what you want to do?  What do you feel when you hear this?  Does this idea frighten you or does it appeal to you?

Now that you are aware of the idea that life’s purpose is creation.  Think of the possibilities. Can you envision a life filled with freedom and happiness?  A new direction is being forged because of the appearance of limitations and restrictions in the existing structure.  It’s time to reveal what Creation is really about!  It’s time to explore the unlimited possibilities that can change life, as we know it.  If you’re interested in accessing the dimension beyond time and conditioned thinking, then you’re ready to step into the pocket of Creation.]

The top 3 things I’ve learned over the years and deliberately apply to the everyday . . .

  1. I hold the keys to creating my future reality.  It’s always about how I’m “being” and much less about what I’m “doing.” By paying attention to the energy within me and around me, I get instant clues to the “being” part all the time.
  2. The key to creating my future reality involves a small shift in the way I see myself in the world.
  3. When I feel “off” – that is, when someone or something is “pushing my button,” I check-in to see if I’m misinterpreting the individual or situation.  The more unattached I am to what’s going on (and this doesn’t mean I don’t care), the clearer I can be in my communication and decision-making.  This has proven to be very beneficial in conflict resolution and crisis situations.

How about you?  I’d love to hear how you pursue life, liberty and a creatively inspired life – in the “Speak Your Mind” comment section on this page.


MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life.  MaryAnn teaches heart-based entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire.  If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:  LeapWithoutLimits.com