The “Don’t Trust Your Intuition” headline by today’s guest blogger, Elma Mayer of Now Healing, summoned a double take. Did I read that right? The headline from Elma, a highly respected healer, who knows a thing or two about intuition and energy healing, caught my attention. Read on to learn why my friend and colleague, says . . . [Read more…]
Soulful Expression
to experience something,
she throws an image of the experience
out before her and
enters into her own image.
~ Meister Eckhart
I’m totally excited about an upcoming mini-vacation to visit Lynn, a dear friend of mine, in Rhode Island. We have so much to catch-up on, as we haven’t seen each other in over two years. In addition to catching-up, I’m delighted to be a participant in a SoulCollage® Worskhop that Lynn is hosting and facilitating.
I asked my friend Lynn Larned, (Certified SoulCollage® Facilitator, RN, MA.) to tell you more about SoulCollage®.
“SoulCollage® is a multi-level creative process that absolutely anyone can do, created by a woman named Seena Frost. Using cut out images from magazines, we place them on cards to create a unique personal and meaningful deck of cards for oneself. The images selected by you, as well as the images that select you, will possess deep personal meanings that will be discovered through further work with your cards.
The SoulCollage® workshop is for anyone who is interested in self-discovery and self-expression in a creative, non-competitive environment-for both new and experienced SoulCollagers. Expect to end the day with a renewed feeling of joy for your personal growth and a few beautiful cards for your SoulCollage® deck.”
In the video below, you’ll see a sampling of cards created during a workshop. The cards honor the transformative power of imagination and soul.
SoulCollage® Workshop . . . a wonderful way to spend a day. . . meet new friends . . . conversation . . . laughter . . . creativity . . . self-discovery and overall lots of fun!!
If you’re interested in learning more about creating SoulCollage® Cards, or hosting a workshop, I invite you to contact Lynn.
*A special thanks to Tim Janis for First Light, the background music in the video.
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio, Ph.D. is the creator of Flashcards for the Soul™. Dr. MaryAnn’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant, dynamic on-purpose life. MaryAnn teaches educators, coaches, consultants, and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire. If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving, be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:
A Touch of G-Force
How often do you tap into G-Force: Grace and Gratitude to fuel your life? When you have this powerful pair pulling for you, you’re able to move forward with more ease… and experience life at new heights.
What I’ve discovered over the years is that Grace and Gratitude appear in concert. Whenever I take the time to observe, acknowledge, recognize and appreciate what “is” . . . the energy of Gratitude calls in Grace.
Have you ever had a time in your life when things came together easily and effortlessly? It may have felt like the details were being taken care of behind the scenes. All you had to do was show up. That’s Grace at play!
The energy of Grace is available to each and every one of us at any given moment. Grace is an assisting energy that steps in at the perfect time, with the perfect solution and just the right resources. It’s particularly helpful to call upon Grace when you’re in need of divine intervention. The elegance of Grace allows us to be in touch with all that is . . . the abundance of life!
The powerful partnership of Grace and Gratitude has helped me to wake up and pay attention to the signs, symbols, and messages that lead to a richer, more fulfilling, and success-full life. This partnership has in turn allowed me to help others see the meaning and purpose behind what appear to be random, everyday events that are, in fact, signposts that guide and direct us to experience life fully. Let the G-Force be with you!!
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a vibrant, dynamic on-purpose life. MaryAnn helps connect corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals with the powerful energy of G-Force: Grace and Gratitude, the rocket fuel for success! If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving, be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at:
Daily Inspiration
The definition for inspiration is: Breathe into or upon; Motivation or encouragement; Divine influence; Sudden intuition or creative insight.
It’s wonderful to receive blessings and inspiration. What happened several years ago in my corporate position still brings me inspiration! Joanne, a colleague of mine, was celebrating a birthday and her husband surprised her with 3-dozen gorgeous roses. Joanne came into my office and generously offered me (actually, she insisted I receive) nine roses. Talk about blessings and inspiration. I was taken with this big-hearted gesture and nudged by my intuition to take several pictures of the bouquet. What Joanne has yet to learn is that one of her birthday roses has became part of my 33 “Flashcards for the Soul™” card deck and paired with the word “Inspiration.” I can’t wait to tell Joanne that her gifted rose has brought Inspiration to hundreds of people. I’m eternally grateful that she shared her gorgeous birthday roses with me.
Beautiful flowers and gardens serve as visual stimuli that stir my heart and lift my spirit! I believe their varied colors, aromatic fragrances, and interesting shapes exist to inspire and reveal to us our own potential through their incredible beauty.
It’s been said that flowers contain the essence of creativity. What better way to take in creative energy and get inspired?
If you’re looking for inspiration to move you forward on a creative project or complex endeavor, then gently wrap your hands around a rose and breathe in its essence. It works every time!
Affirmation: “I use the amazing beauty in nature to stir and awaken my inspiration.”
MaryAnn D’Ambrosio’s passion is to work with individuals and groups who are ready to “leap” and experience a more vibrant on-purpose life. MaryAnn teaches corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals how to access the language of creation by tuning into inner wisdom and lining up the energy to create their heart’s desire. If you’ve been merely surviving instead of thriving be sure to pick-up your F*R*E*E Overcome Overwhelm Toolkit at: