Discover Powerful and Rich Moments of Inspiration

The Just BE . . . Boundless Energy Cards (also known as Flashcards for the Soul™) are designed to be your travel companion while you explore the fascinating journey of self-discovery.
Each deck of cards comes with a Companion Guide that offers various ideas and suggestions on how to use the cards. Be creative and come up with your own way(s) to play with the cards.
Much gratitude goes to the individuals who were inventive and contributed their ideas to this page. Keep’em coming and we’ll keep posting them.
You’ll discover “new” ways to play with the cards below.
Boundless Energy Card Deck on a regular basis.
Thanks Marty for describing the creative ways you use the cards.
Share Cards at Monthly Woman’s Group Meeting
“I took them to a get together that I had a with small group of women who meet about monthly. Each person took a card and talked about what it meant to them…some amazing things came out of that little exercise…all very heartfelt.”
Relationship Between Daily Chosen Card and Synchronicity
“I find it’s interesting to see the relationship between the card I choose for a particular day, and the synchronicity it has with other things that happen that day…one day, it was exactly the same word as I read in another book I use for inspirational thoughts (some other inspirational books that I read that you might like: Julia Cameron’s “Transitions”, and “Blessings”, “The Not So Big Life” by Sarah Susanka). Today I was surfing your website and listening to one of your interviews in which you talked about “clearing out and lining up” to allow room for transformation. Earlier today, I was re-reading a little book that my Grandmother had given me long ago called “Creative Healing” by Flower Newhouse, and it talks about “vertical consciousness: thinking vertically or straight through body, emotions and mind into Soul Awareness”….hmmm…”lining up” and “vertical consciousness” strike me as being very similar!”
Choose 5 cards per week, line them up where you can see them & celebrate the inspiration!
“I like to choose about 5 cards per week, and after I draw them each day, I line them up on the window above my sink so I can see them frequently throughout the week. This week, the cards are: Creativity, Begin, Joy, Self-Expression….as I was reading the newspaper this morning, I came across a class in Pysanky which is the art of intricate egg decorating which has been done in the Ukraine for centuries…I collect interesting eggs, including these Pysanky eggs, and have always wanted to learn how to do it…soooo…I signed up for the class, which is next week end…what a great way to celebrate my inspiration words for this week!”
Write the specific affirmation on a sticky note and attach to the back of the Card.
“This week, I’ve decided to write the specific affirmation on a sticky note on the back of the card. That way, I can occasionally flip them while I’m day dreaming, looking out the window at my birds at the bird feeder, washing dishes, etc. and remind myself of what it might mean to me. For example, today’s word is Wisdom , and I wrote the affirmation, “The wise sage in me guides my decisions and actions”…. just the act of hand writing the affirmation seems to give it more substance and personal meaning.”
“MaryAnn, thank you for encouraging me on my spiritual journey!”
– Marty Musselman
Family trip, dining out and the Just BE … Boundless Energy Cards
“I took the cards with me on a trip to visit family and it was so much fun to bring them out — while waiting for the waiter to take our order. It seemed that people chose such apropos cards.”
– Nancy Calderbank