Leap Without Limits presents . . .

Insider’s Secrets to Great Leadership Interview with David O’Brien

Download the mp3 (right click on “download” and save link as) or listen below: [audio:http://leapwithoutlimits.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Leadership-Interview-OBrien.mp3|titles=Leadership Interview – O’Brien]

David O’Brien is president of Connecticut-based WorkChoice Solutions, a nationally recognized provider of
leadership and team effectiveness consulting services.

David released his first book, The Navigators Handbook: 101 Leadership Lessons for Work and Life, in July of 2008.

David’s second book, Tapping Your Leadership Wisdom, is expected in bookstores soon.

Dave’s interview will reveal…

  • The common denominators Great Leaders share.
  • Why there’s a high premium on staying grounded.
  • Why it’s important to add humor and lightness to a leadership style.
  • Advice for early career, high potential folks who haven’t figured it all out.
  • What is most significant in leadership effectiveness.  

  • For more interviews check out Insider’s Secrets to Great Leadership.